TDM - トウキョウダンスマガジン

Sheryl Murakami 〜Go for it!〜
Sheryl Murakami 〜Go for it!〜
「ダンサーの成功って何なのか?」自分の人生を振り返った時に「充実したダンス人生を送れたなぁ」と実感できれば、それが成功なのかと。いろんな過程があって個人を形成し、同じような体験を経てして成長していく…。Sheryl Murakami(シェリル ムラカミ) は日本人の祖父を持ち、日本人という誇りを持ってアメリカで育った。そして今、世界を代表するアーティストのコレオグラファーとして活躍する彼女のエネルギッシュに満ちた熱いメッセージの詰まったインタビュー。

“What is the success for dancer?” We guess the answer that we could feel ‘I really have enjoyed myself of dancing’ as looking back on our lives in the future. People may acquire their identities on their own processes and build them up by the same sort of experience. Sheryl Murakami, the choreographer working with for top artists all over the world, has been grown up with the background having her Japanese grandfather and nurtured her identity of Japanese. Please let us introduce her interview, which is full of energy and passion.

Sheryl MurakamiSheryl Murakami

LA出身、NY在住。日系アメリカ人の両親を持ち、5歳からバレエ、タップ, ジャズを学び始め後にHIP HOP、サルサへとジャンルの枠を広げていく。NFL『Oakland Raidersダンスチーム/Raiderette』、『St.Louis Rums』のダンサーとして活躍後、NYへ移住。NYの有名ダンススタジオ『BROADWAY DANCE CENTER』の人気講師として10年以上に渡りその名を轟かせ、アメリカ国内を始め、ヨーロッパ、アジアの有名スタジオ/ダンスワークショップのゲストとして世界中を飛び回っている。

2009年には『BEYONCE “EGO”』のPVの振付を全面的に担当、『I AM SASHA FIERCE』世界ツアーにコレオグラファーとして参加。そして、今や世界中で人気絶頂アーティスト『LADY GAGA』のファーストシングル『JUST DANCE』のPV、そしてプロモツアーにダンサーとして参加。

その他、Pharrell Williams, Nelly, P.Diddy, Avril Lavigne, Nelly Furtado, Fat Joe, Thalia, Don Omar, Wisin Y Yandel, Placido Domingo...等多くの大物アーティスト達と共演。NBA、NFLにてNew York KNICKS, New Jersey NETS、Los Angeles Raiderette,Los Angeles Rams等の有名チームの振付も担当。その他MTV VMA's, VH1 Fashion Rocks, Latin Grammy's, Saturday Night Live, PUMA, X-BOX, Hineken, Footlocker, Bally's Fitness and Chivas Regal等、数え切れないほどのTV番組、CMの振付を幅広く手がける。

自身がアーティスティックディレクター兼コレオグラファーを勤めるダンスカンパニー『T(H)RASH』を設立。Sherylを含め、NYを中心に活躍するTOPフィーメールダンサー達が所属。SEXYかつパワフルなステージは業界でも高く評価はされMaxim Magazine』を始め多くのイベント、クラブショーに出演。

基礎、柔軟性、表現力を兼ね揃え、FUNKYでSEXYなダンススタイル&パーソナリティで強烈な存在感とオーラを放つダンサー、シェリル ムラカミ!多くのダンサー達からリスペクトされ続け、優秀な若手ダンサーを育て上げてきた。 2010年もさらに勢いを増し注目されるコレオグラファー/ダンサーの一人だろう。

Sheryl Murakami has been grown up in LA, and currently resides in NY, having her Japanese American parents. She has been dancing since the age of five and boarding her horizon from ballet, to tap dancing, jazz dancing, hip hop and salsa. After performing Raiderette in Oakland Raiders of NFL and St.Louis Rums, she moved to NY. She has taught dance at a widely known studio in NY, BROADWAY DANCE CENTER, over ten years, and traveled well-known studios and workshops to teach dance in U.S., Europe and Asia.

She choreographed Beyonce “EGO” and participated in her world tour, “I AM SASHA FIERCE” in 2009 also worked for LADY GAGA in her promotion video and tour of her first single “JUST DANCE”.

She has been performing numerous TV programs and commercials, with Pharrell Williams, Nelly, P.Diddy, Avril Lavigne, Nelly Furtado, Fat Joe, Thalia, Don Omar, Wisin Y Yandel, Placido Domingo etc..., choreographed famous artists at NBA and NFL, such as New York KNICKS, New Jersey NETS, Los Angeles Raiderette, Los Angeles Rams, and worked on MTV VMA's, VH1 Fashion Rocks, Latin Grammy's, Saturday Night Live, PUMA, X-BOX, Hineken, Footlocker, Bally's Fitness and Chivas Regal etc….

Sheryl has established the company “T(H)RASH”, directing as artistic director and choreographer, to which top female dancers in NY belonged, including herself too. As for their sexy and powerful performance has been highly evaluated, they have showed very many performances at Maxim Magazine, events and club shows.

Sheryl has made her own funky and sexy dance style and personality with leaving outstanding presence and atmosphere with her nature, flexibility, and expression. She has been loved and respected by younger dancers talented.

She is focused on as one of the most gifted choreographers and dancers, expanding her carrier drivingly in 2010.

Without my mother’s support, I could not be a dancer.



This time was your first time workshop, but how was it?


Sheryl Murakami最高よ! 素晴らしくなると予想はしていたけど、予想以上に愛を感じたわ。私には日本の血が流れていて、ここが私を産み出した国、私は日本人!と思うと、いろんな場所に行っては、とても感動した。まず、空港に到着した時と、ラーメンを食べた時ね。小さい頃におじいちゃんの家でよく和食を食べてたから、その時の思い出が蘇ったの (笑) 。


I love it. I expected that it was going to be amazing but I felt love there more than I thought. I was excited since I felt like a Japanese. I have my blood of Japanese and feel ‘this is where I am from’ then I get emotional every time I go out. As I landed first, and ate Ramen associated with my memories that I would go to my Oji-chan (grandfather)’s house and eat real Japanese food, I got emotional.

We didn’t afford to go to both dance class and Japanese school to learn in LA, then, I don’t speak in Japanese because I chose dance. I am very happy to come here, Japan, this time.



Why did you get to be a dancer?


Sheryl Murakami2〜4歳の頃、私は本当にシャイで、お嬢様タイプに見られてたわ。家では家族と話すけど、外ではしゃべらない人見知り。そんな恥ずかしがりをママが心配して、もっと自信をつけてほしいとダンスを始めさせてくれたの。






When I was two to four, I was very shy and I was a bit afraid at school. My mother worried about me then I got a dance class because she wanted me to build up my confidence.

I went to a ballet class first, my teacher saw that I had something, so that my mother supported me enough. Again we didn’t have money, she would work at the studio for my classes then I got free classes. I could dance since my mother always pushed me to work hard. Without my mother’s support, I could not be a dancer.

I wanted to be a ballet dancer, though, as I was ten, my body had been changed. I realized that I couldn’t be a ballet dancer as its importance on one’s structure or body shape. That was a turning point, so that I got in a different dance style.

I worked jazz dance until the age of fifteen, at that time, I took competitions and have won it. When I was sixteen, I got an agent in Hollywood where my mother took me an hour and half by car from my house.

I had a wide variety of auditions and started my jobs, though it was very hard to live on. My mother should drive me there and the auditions were limited because of teenager.

10代って繊細な時期だし、私もまたわがままだったから (笑) 、エージェントと契約もしてて、ダンスで仕事もしてるのに、受けたいオーディションを思うように受けに行けないことにフラストレーションが溜まったりして、結構10代は苦しい想いもしたのよ。







Teenager was hard and rough, and I may be selfish. I remember I had tasted of work and first success, on the other hand, I could not get auditions enough so that I got frustrated.

After that, I bought my car, and then I got jobs increasingly. Since the car was second-hand, thus dilapidated, it was broken down, then I couldn’t go anywhere that was…at my early twenties. One week later, I got a new job at East Coast, Atlantic City known for casino, so that I went to NY.

I should get back to LA after the job for two weeks, I preferred NY. I decided to reside there on.

I should be back home after the show normally, but the hotel manager permitted me to stay there, on that time, I looked for an apartment to live in NY with pay earned by the show. My mother was so upset with me to stay in NY further years, so she didn’t talk to me for a while, though I had known all she went.

Since then, I started my life in NY and could have been stimulated fresh energy. I was lucky that I came to obtain new jobs as a choreographer and a teacher in NY for seven years.

ビヨンセの前で、結局は“I like you・・・.”しか言えなかった (笑)。
I could say no words other than “I like you…” in front of Beyonce.



Would you have a “knack” to win choreography competitions?


Sheryl Murakamiとにかく曲を何度も何度も聴いて、常に視覚的にイメージして、日々の練習の成果も出せるようにイメージトレーニングすることね。


I used to listen to the music over hours and visualize. I just imagine I can perform all the way I do every day.

I put a theme for first impression as the music provides, which goes the same with the artist wishes or not sometimes. I set the piece of my thought, including what the artists hope, or “can-do” things. That is quite different when I create my own works. There are the artists who depend on whatever I do, that is the way I love.



How did you succeed in choreography competition, “Ego” of Beyonce?




Frank, a choreographer of Beyonce, asked me to send a demo-tape, since he was looking for various choreographers, then I chose “Ego” which was not going to be included in new album.

Soon after I sent the demo, I got a notice that Beyonce, herself, was interested in it; its choreography and concept. She also asked me to participate in her tour and promotion video. I got impressed then so much.



What was the theme did you come up for the song?


Sheryl Murakami最初に頭に浮かんだのは、コスチュームだった。歌詞が結構過激なので、それに合わせるよりも、アフロヘアでクラシカルにシンプルなイメージにしたかった。彼女がそれをやったらきっと素敵になるんじゃないかなって思ったの。

デモを送った後に本人の前で披露しなくちゃいけなくて、その時は、とても緊張したわ!彼女は本当に素晴らしい人で、本当は踊り終わった後に、「この作品はあなたの美しい素敵な部分をより出すために創ったの!」とか、言葉をかけるつもりだったのに、結局はテンパって「アナタが好きです・・・。」しか言えなかった (笑) 。



I imagined costume at first for expressing by using afro classically and simply that was not to reveal lyrics so much. I thought it should be cool that she did so.

I got really nervous as I performed live at her after I sent the demo. When I finished it, I could say no words other than “I like you…” despite I was going to say to her “I create this choreography to express beauty of yours!”

Beyonce appreciated my work and completed the promotion video, then, I came to get jobs as a choreographer more. I took part in a tour of Lady GAGA, as a dancer first, which was a good opportunity as I danced and choreographed both there in the latter half. I motivate that I’m going on as a choreographer and director to expand my carrier.

As I come to Japan this time, ideas come up to my mind. I am stimulated my creativity and enjoying myself very much when I bring my camera with thinking about how promotion videos record.


I get a question, but does dancer have jobs in Japan?



That sort may have variety, but they support other artists in many cases.


Sheryl Murakamiアメリカも一緒よ。私の彼がミュージシャンなんだけど、一緒に回ったツアーでギャラが3倍違ったの。ナンデ!?ダンサーだってプロとしてコンディションを整えるためにエネルギーを使うのに・・・。日本も一緒なのね。

It’s the same in the U.S, too. Though my boyfriend is a musician too, his pay is three times more than me when we participate together in the same tour. Nande!? (Why!?) Dancer also has to keep working athletically so hard, too. I see Japan is the same, too. hum..



I don’t mean to blame managing companies or the artists, but I hope that dancers can work on more and perceive their talents as one of the artists with each other gradually. For that, I would like to put them out by studio, media, shows and events, and also sympathize with and cheer up the people who can respond to the artists.

Please appreciate your ability and don’t devaluate your talent.



Would you give a message for Japanese dancers?


Sheryl Murakami今回、初めて日本で教えることができて、子供から大人まで、すごくいいパッションでレッスンを受けてくれて本当に良かった。もともと日本のダンサーは上手いとは知っていたけど、想像以上だったわ。同じ日本人としても誇りに思うし、世界中でワークショップをしてるけど、こんなに踊れる子たちがたくさんいるなんて、驚きだったし、そのエネルギーに応えたくて、もっといろいろあげたくなった。それは素晴らしいことよね。

夢を叶えること怖がらないで。周りに何を言われようが、流行のスタイルとか関係なく、自分が信じた道を向かって進んで欲しい。ポジティブに、踊れる喜びを感じて。自分の価値を分かって、価値を下げなくていいの。自分のバランスを常に保っていられることが大切よ。きっと長い道のりだと思うけど、頑張って!Go for it!

It was the first and good time for me to teach dance in Japan, which dancers, from younger to older, motivated passionately for my lessons. I have known that Japanese dancers could be good at but they were more than I expected. Though I have traveled for workshops all around the world, I got amazed so many Japanese dancers were well that I was proud of the same Japanese and I wanted to work them to bring out their talents. That was really amazing.

Please do not scare that you work for dreams come true. I want you to go on your way despite others’ evaluation or styles in fashion. Be positive and enjoy yourselves for dancing. You appreciate your ability, so don’t devaluate your talent. Always keeping your balance is important. That is a long journey, but good luck! Go for it!



Today, we could have a very memorable interview. Thank you very much indeed.



I am also happy and good for looking back my life, too. Arigato! (Thank you!)
'10/09/28 UPDATE
interview by AKIKO
photo by imu
supported by Megumi Kaneko(New York Dance Project)
audiotyped and English Edit by kony

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